How to Move on


Moving on can be tough sometimes when we get abandoned by the people who were once really close to us. But that does not mean that because of whoever that scoundrel is, you let your mental health suffer. Get rid of things that provides a souvenir of him/her if you cannot then just learn to accept and live with it. Acceptance is the first step towards peace and first step is the hardest but absolutely worth taking.


Your mind is playing tricks:

You do not even realize that how negativity spreads in your brain like a parasite. Suppose your boss threw a wacky tantrum and now those words are running at speed of 25km/s in your brain. All the afront associated with that person replays in your brain uninvitingly. You got to stop that just by saying “shut up”, your brain will obey, and you’ll be saved from disrupting your mood and your mental health.

Clean your mind:

Take a shower:

If your brain seems just not in your control, then drenching under a cold shower will work. Well yeah this will 100% work because the cold water sends many electrical impulses to your brain. They jolt your system to increase alertness, clarity, and energy levels. Endorphins, which are sometimes called happiness hormones, are also released. This effect leads to feelings of well-being and optimism.

                    You can surely go for hot shower in case of a cold weather in your town.


Clean your room:

Your mind should be calm to assimilate things, to see it with a different perspective. Cleaning home helps reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Start with cleaning your room or organize your cupboard, your workplace at your home or may be kitchen.


Write it out:

Usually when you are down your wittiness is shrouded by a lot of negative thoughts running in your head then you avoid seeing positive side of the situation which eventually become a reason for depression. Here is an easy task for you to battle your inner demons. Take a paper write whatever you are feeling, what you are thinking about, what is going on inside your head that is bothering you the most and burn it or destroy it and dump it in the garbage can.

Now take a diary or a sticky note, write all your blessings and whatever good is happening in your life. Express gratitude towards those things because some people do not even have the bare minimum in life, and you are having it all.

Take a good care of yourself:

No matter how unnerving your experience was always give your health priority eat healthy, keep yourself hydrated because if you take care of your health you’ll be able to think wisely in a difficult situation.

Watch a movie:

Watching a movie makes you forget about it for a while and when you get away from what is bothering you the most your brain works in the direction of solution to that problem. By doing this you will have space to think about it and you will not be bothered by the intrusive thoughts.


Do not despise them:

Hate is strong word so think before you use it for someone. I understand that the person who hurt you did not play well but by hating them you are only harming yourself, your mental health. Instead of hating just detach them from your life. Attachment might not be in our control; we cannot simply control who we fall for, but we can surely choose for whom we do not want to care about anymore.

“Attachment is want, Detachment is a need”




Lot of your energy get sapped when are going through hard times like these. So have some healthy sweet drink for refreshment without alcohol obviously. It will keep you hydrated and will improve your mood. These drinks could include green tea with lemon, fresh lemonade, stevia, Hot chocolate drink, etc. Make sure not to consume more than usual coffee and tea. I am talking about all the healthy sweet drinks here.


Keep ego aside:

If nothing works, check if are you being egoistic? If yes, it is ok to be prickly sometimes when you have gone through a lot, we are all humans.

All I am asking you to be just aware of it primarily. Do it right now. Now that you are aware it is your call to make. Do not let ego come between your mental peace and your relationships. Ego is the real villain here do not underestimate this devil.

Talk to them: 

Whoever that antagonist is in your story deserve a closure from your side for your own mental peace. Talking is important to sort things out to view things in a different perspective not to argue but to understand, not hear but to listen and confess your faux pas. Problem might be solvable, or it might not be. Make sure that you made a discreet conversation before ending so that there will be no regrets that keep poking your peace saying that the relationship could be saved.

Life is short, there is no time for resentment”

                                                                                - Purpulet

Learn The Lesson:

The lesson here is don’t depend on them. But how did I know that you were dependent on them. And by any chance you think you were not I am telling you that you were, here’s how:

It is certain that if you are seeking for moving on believe it or not you were dependent on them emotionally. When you thought that they are the one when you guys were together you might be sharing every single thing with them, when you talk to them your tone of speaking softens; you might be taking advice and let them take part in your important life’s decisions. Being in a relationship like this for a long time makes the habit. But this has to be stopped because it is time to take charge of the steering wheel of your life and promise yourself to never give it again to someone else.


This is the lesson you learn hard way; you don’t understand that at the moment you are into a loving relationship because love makes us blind without taking our permission. You got to be mentally strong to survive in this world and practicing being independent is the only thing that will help you. Everyone is going to leave today or tomorrow and you will be on your own someday. Just think that how will your life be without them, how their absence affects your life and what would you be doing to bring your life back on track in a world where you have to live without them. If you have answers to all of that questions then that is it congratulations you are just unstoppable and resilient human being. And if the case is other way around thing about this and prepare yourself mentally.
